Personify Data Services – File Upload

Personify Data Services allows you to upload files through the “FileUpload” Service Operation.  The “SvcClient” code is modified to provide a helper method to invoke the service operation. For more information on the SvcClient code, please see #11 Executing Service Operations (using .NET client).

Configuring the File Upload and File Download Feature

The following configuration files have to be modified in order to support the File Upload and File Download feature:


The following needs to be available under <system.web> for 4MB upload (default max.):

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="4194304"/>


The following needs to be available under <configuration> (usually at the bottom):

The "name" attribute of the "service" element (highlighted below in yellow) must be set to a fully qualified name of the service entry point class (e.g., PersonifyDataServices.ABA.PersonifyDataABA).


<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />


<service name="PersonifyDataServices.PersonifyData">

<endpoint address="" binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="higherMessageSize" contract="System.Data.Services.IRequestHandler" />





<binding name="higherMessageSize" maxBufferSize="4194304" maxBufferPoolSize="4194304" maxReceivedMessageSize="4194304" transferMode="Streamed">

<readerQuotas maxDepth="32" maxStringContentLength="4194304" maxArrayLength="4194304" maxBytesPerRead="4096" maxNameTableCharCount="16384" />






If you are using the File Upload or File Download feature, the following items highlighted in blue need to be added and configured under the section <Section Name="DataServices">:

<Item Name="FileUploadSharedPath" Value="[FileUploadSharedPathValue]"/>

<Item Name="FileSystemCleanupEnabled" Value="[FileSystemCleanupEnabledValue]" />

<Item Name="TimeOfDayToCleanUpAttachments"Value="[TimeOfDayToCleanUpAttachmentsValue]"/>

<Item Name="AgeofFileToDeleteInDays" Value="[AgeofFileToDeleteInDaysValue]"/>


[FileUploadSharedPathValue]: is the shared server path which host your upload files.
[FileSystemCleanupEnabledValue]: True/False to specify whether you want to enable system to clean up old uploaded files.
[TimeOfDayToCleanUpAttachmentsValue]: time when the uploaded files are cleaned up. This must specify in military format. IE: 19:00 is 7:00 PM 1:00 is 1:00 AM 0:15 is 12:15 AM 0:00 is midnight 12:00 is noon.
[AgeofFileToDeleteInDaysValue]: the number of days the files uploaded to be used to determined which files are cleaned up.


The web server automatically cleans up documents and files that are placed in a staging location during the file upload/file download process. This operation is performed as a background process, reads the configured values from the config.xml file, and then executes its cleanup implementation at the scheduled time.

Uploading a File from .NET Client

For example, you may have “CustomerRelatedDocument” as an entity with “RelatedDocumentPath” as a property, with the “IsAttachment” attribute set to “True”.  The “FileAttachmentPropertyMapping.xml” (usually generated through the Personify WSD and deployed to “bin” folder of PDS) would have the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


 <PropertyMapping ApiCollection=" CustomerInfo.CustomerRelatedDocuments" PropertyForFilePath="RelatedDocumentPath" />



The following is the code which uploads the file through the entity created above (uses the latest SvcClient code):

public void FileUploadTest()




//Upload the document first

string fileLoc = SvcClient.FileUpload(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("c:\\1.jpg"), "1.jpg");

//Create a new CustomerRelatedDocument instance (from server to get default values)

CustomerRelatedDocument oRespCreate = SvcClient.Create<CustomerRelatedDocument>();

Assert.IsTrue(oRespCreate.CustomerRelatedDocumentId > 0);



//Provide values and Save

oRespCreate.MasterCustomerId = "JEFFERSON";

oRespCreate.SubCustomerId = 0;

oRespCreate.RelatedDocumentCodeString = "RESUME";

oRespCreate.RelatedDocumentDate = DateTime.Now;


oRespCreate.RelatedDocumentPath = fileLoc;

oRespCreate.RelatedDocumentDescription = "1.jpg"; //this has to be the target file name for this entity

oRespCreate.IsFileUploadRequired = true; //necessary for this entity


CustomerRelatedDocument oRespSave = SvcClient.Save<CustomerRelatedDocument>(oRespCreate);

Assert.IsTrue(oRespSave.CustomerRelatedDocumentId > 0);




catch (Exception ex)





Once a file gets uploaded using the above code, it should be viewable from Personify back office automatically.